Friday, December 18, 2009

Fall 2009 Champions

Top Bracket Champs:
1. Bone Diggers
2. Ozone
3. Roman Soul

Spirit Award: Pdawgs

Bottom Bracket:
1. Dynasty
2. Team Ben

Most Improved Male: XXX
Most Improved Female: Murtle

I have loved every minute of leagues this semester! I know that Jason is excited to work with you in the new year.... but in the meantime, just bowl bowl bowl!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

week 1 tournament RESULTS

Everything is all updated and beautiful in the glass case here in the bowling alley, but here is the quick-list of results from week 1 of the tournament. if you have any concerns about these, or questions about the tournament in general, drop me a line at

Here are the results:(bolded are the winners)

Lanai V Bone Diggers
Roman Soul V By Default
Team X V O-zone
BBII V Tools
Ben V 18
Pdawgs V Think Hard
Dynasty V O-zone Destruction
Splitters V Slim Pins

Things to remember:
-if you lost you should still come bowling at the next league night! You guys make this league a blast, and the more the merrier.
-still no prebowling or subs, unless it's an extreme circumstance and you've cleared it with me beforehand.

Monday, November 9, 2009

week 7

Thanks for being so patient with me as our printer was broken last week! Here are the updated stats, as of 11/9/09 Complete listings are in the glass case of the bowling alley. If you have any questions or something looks funny, let me know and we will get it straightened out!

the stats
Lanai Laners won 23
Team X won 21
O-Zone won 20.5
Roman Soul won 20
BBII: Sequel won 19
The Tools won 18
By Default won 17
Bone Diggers won 17
P-Dawgs back in action won 14
Team Ben won 13
Dynasty won 12.5
Ozone Destruction won 12
Splitters won 10
Slim Pins won 9
Think Hard won 9
Team 18 won 3

high game male (handicap): Slick Rick (250)
high game female (handicap): 5$ (200)
team high game (handicap): Team Ben (738)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 5 Stats

Happy Halloween! Do you have a sweet costume this year? wear it to leagues this week and get a free game coupon! please, no masks or weapons.


Lanai Laners won 19
O-Zone won 17.5
Bone Diggers won 16
BBII: Sequel won 15
Team X won 14
Roman Soul won 13
By Default won 12
Tools won 11
P-dogs back in action: V4 won 11
Dynasty won 8.5
Ozone Destruction won 8
Team Ben won 8
Splitters won 7
Think Hard won 7
Slim Pins won 5
Team 18 won 3

most improved male: Adam Bomb
most improved female: 5$ Windex

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 4

The Stats. as always, check the glass case for more detailed stats.

Lanai Laners won 15
BBII: Sequel won 14
The O-zone won 13.5
Team X won 12
Bone Diggers won 12
Roman Soul won 10
P-dawgs won 10
The Tools won 9
By Default won 8
Ozone Destruction won 8
Team Ben won 8
Slim Pins won 5
Dynasty won 4.5
Think Hard won 4
Team 5 won 4
Team 18 won 3
(A free game from one Michael Scott to another)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 3

Are you getting so excited for the office party on Thursday?? Don't forget to bring your costumes and come early to warm up at 8:30 and we will have the cosmic lights on!

As a reminder, earn a free week of league bowling if you recruit a team for IBC league! email me the new team's contact info at

Here are the stats from last week:

Lanai Laners won 11
BBII: The Sequel won 10
The O-zone won 9.5
Team X won 9
P-dawgs back in action: V4 won 8
The Ozone Destruction won 8
Bone Diggers won 8
Team Ben won 8
Roman Soul won 6
The Tools won 5
Dynasty won 4.5
By Default won 4
The Slim Pins won 4
Think Hard won 4
Team 3 won 4
Team 18 won 3
Team 5 won 2
missing team won 0 (surprise, they are a fake team to even out the numbers)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 2

Sorry this took me so long to get updated! here are the stats as of last week (which are also in the glass case at the bowling alley). Expect stats as of tonight's matchups to be on here this weekend!

Another order of business is this: our IBC league (tuesday nights) still has spots open. If you recruit a team to join that league, your team can bowl free next week in this league! direct your friends to me at

Now for The Stats:
Lanai Laners won 7
The O-Zone won 6.5
BBII: The Sequel won 6 games
Team X won 6 games
Roman Soul won 5
The P-dogs Back in Action: V:4 won 5
The Tools won 4
The Ozone Destruction won 4
Bone Diggers won 4
Think Hard won 4
Team 3 won 4
Team Ben won 4 (this guys is amazing! he is winning these games all on his own)
By Default won 3
The Slim Pins won 3
Team 18 team 3
Team 5 won 2
Dynasty won 1.5
Missing Team won 0 (surprise!)

Week 2 Specials:
Master P got the (male) high game with a 227
Jaci got the (female) high game with a 197
The O-Zone got the team series high with a total pinfall of 1968

Team Spotlight!
The Tools
Tyler and Robert met in High school... Tyler introduced Robert to his wife, and the girls adopted bowling through marriage (it would have been a dealbreaker not to!)

Monkey Wrench (aka Melissa DeGuire)
birthday: 2/7
loves pb M&Ms and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

The Screwdriver (aka Robert DeGuire)
birthday: 7/20
loves Sweet Tarts and the Dark Knight

Crowbar (aka Tyler Wyatt)
birthday: 6/12
loves Snickers and Transformers 2

Hammer (Megan Wyatt)
birthday: 7/5
loves skittles and princess bride

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 1 Stats

Here are some stats, for more detailed ones check the glass case in the bowling alley.

Team Standings

1. BBII: the sequel won 4
2. Team 14 won 4
3. Team 6 won 4
4. Team 4 won 4
5. Team 16 won 3
6. The O-Zone won 3
7. Team 18 won 3
8. Team X won 3
9. By Default won 2
10. The Slim Pins won 2
11. Team 15 won 1
12. Team 11 won 1
13. Team 7 won 1
14. Team 17 won 1
15. Bone Diggers won 0
16. Team 5 won 0
17. Team 3 won 0
18. Missing Team won 0

Individual Recognitions

Male High Game: Paul Knight (227)

Female High Game: Jaci (191)

As always, if you have any questions you can email us at

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 1

Week 1 went swimmingly! I hope you guys enjoyed fortune bowling, it was a blast for us workers to watch you getting the messages :) Expect some stats up here later in the week, but for now here are some pictures!

^a lovely picture drawn By Default

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Night

I am so excited for leagues to start on the 24th! Sign-ups are in the Games Center!